Everything Theatre
In their four-star review of my play Baggy Bra, Everything Theatre describes my writing as 'dialogue brimming with puns and lateral thinking that keeps an audience on its toes'. Writer Josh Barnes comments that 'Whilst being a light-hearted comedy, the play also effectively communicates awareness around the importance of checking your breasts regularly for lumps, how 8/10 people are wearing a bra too small for them and that men get breast cancer too. These messages are delivered through the vehicle of a strong story and never feel didactic.'

Upstaged Manchester
In their four-star review, my writing was described by Upstaged Manchester as "warm, witty, and playful, perfectly portraying the tentative and delicate nature of a mother-daughter relationship." They also commended my ability to craft characters saying, "In Barb, Izzy Searle has created a character that feels instantly familiar and comforting."
Adding, "You can equally imagine Barb with her own sitcom and living down the street from you, which is a testament to both Searle’s fantastic ability to build a character and Williams’ effortless performance."

Dr Alessandra De Martino's Testimonial
“Izzy Searle is an original, expressive, evocative writer. I met Izzy three years ago, whilst
auditioning script writers for a project of theatre adaptation of a literary work I conducted
at the University of Warwick. Her commitment and contribution to the venture were
remarkable. She worked with her colleagues in a very productive way and was always ready
to make stimulating suggestions. Alongside script writing, she produced a selection of
poems inspired by the source text, telling the story of a Somali runner who drowned in
2012, whilst crossing the Mediterranean Sea on a migrant boat, which are highly suggestive
and moving. Her deep interpretation of the source text allowed her to create outstanding
dialogues, impeccably written and very touching.
At present, she is taking part in another project I am directing, which involves the creation
of a co-written theatre script on the theme of violence against women. The project concerns
the creation of a multi-layered text, encompassing translated monologues from Italian,
original play-text, verbatim theatre and physical theatre choreography. I decided to ask her
again to participate, given the highly successful outcome from the previous collaboration
and, on this occasion too, she has maintained a high standard of commitment and
contribution. It is a pleasure to work with Izzy and I foresee a successful career for her in
creative writing."
Dr Alessandra De Martino
School of Theatre and Performance Studies
University of Warwick
The Bridge House Theatre in London - 'Baggy Bra'
6-8th of April
Squad House for the Manchester Fringe - 'Baggy Bra'
27th-29th of July
The Old Rep for Birmingham's Hysteria Festival - 'Baggy Bra'
26th of July
The Writing Shed in Doncaster - 'Cereal for Dinner'
14th of July
53Two and Reload Theatre's One Play One Day
16th of July
Contact Me
If you are looking for a writer or script supervisor, I am available for business enquiries. Drop me an email, message me on social media, or fill in this contact form.